Johnston County – lovingly referred to as JoCo by Triangle residents – continues to show incredible growth.
Does Nineteen Million dollars grab your attention? It should. That’s an awful lot of zeroes! $19,000,000.00. Recently reported by several outlets including the Triangle Business Journal, a local developer is focusing on the tertiary markets of the Triangle. This time…JoCo is the choice. Specifically Clayton. A whopping 211 acres of land was purchased by LLCs owned by Stephens Enterprises LLC. This closing in April of 2022 totaled $11,800,000.
Not much after the purchase listed above, Stephens Enterprises LLC purchased more land. Two adjacent properties are now part of the larger assemblage. Nearly an additional 128 acres over 2 properties for a total of $7,160,000! While the developer has made no indication as to how the land will be used…it is fairly reasonable to assume that with other large companies nearby and the fact that the land features several things that large companies love – Access being the primary item. The property has access to a rail line and hwy 70 (Pro tip: It is rumored that it will become Interstate 42 at some point).
Johnston county ranks as one of the fastest growing markets for both residential and commercial. Significant growth in both sectors can be traced to a geographical location just east of Wake County with great access to all that Raleigh has to offer along with strategic investments made by many developers. One such large investment comes in the form of a projected $40,000,000 investment near Benson. What could that be you ask? How about an industrial facility totaling nearly 500,000 square feet with the ability to expand to just over 1,000,000 square feet. Edgewater Ventures is leading this charge and shows the confidence that Wall Street has in JoCo!
You have seen the Rooms To Go large facility along Route 95? How about Stephens Enterprises already showing confidence in JoCo? Already working on East Coast Logistics Park located next to the Rooms To Go building in Dunn! How big will that be? How about up to 1,400,000 square feet. Approximately half way between New York and Miami the location is incredible and local leaders expect the entire corridor to expand bringing additional tax base to the area. This 138 acre site is one of several large projects happening to our neighbor to the east. Many experts have been predicting that the intersection of I40 and I95 is the place to focus large growth in the county. With the potential of 2 more interstate highways in the future connecting these areas to the Triad with even more ease continues to excite investors.

Let’s not forget about Eastfield Crossing just up the road a bit. Slated to include hotel, medical, major retailers AND over 200 single family homes along with 300+ multifamily doors, Eastfield will change the market and attract so much more. If you build it they will come? It is baseball season and this could not be more true about a project. While COVID slowed the growth of this project, the rebound has been good. One more fun addition to Eastfield?? How about a food hall? These popular options for date night or family night continue to be a draw as well.

Yep, JoCo has grown up. Now an area of sustained growth in both the residential and now commercial sectors!